Thursday, August 11, 2011

Orchard Central - Roof Garden -, The Stairs, The Clouds and The Sky Sculptures Part 1

On the 12th Floor of Orchard Central Roof Garden, there are several sculptures worth taking photos of.

Need to stand at different angle to take good photo shots of the sculptures and the sculptures can move when the wind blows. Very well done sculptures.

From this angle, the sculpture looked like missing a head. :)


  1. Good photos of these interesting sculptures.


  2. Hi Alice! So, We, The People who are not in holidays, keep the blogosphere alive... ;)

    Orchard Road was my first impression in Singapore (we were staying at the Hilton in 1992...) and that was impressive! It still is!!

    Blogtrotter Two just crossed Corsica from North to South. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!!

  3. Looks like someone did some sketches of the human form on the sky. Great shots!


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