Friday, July 15, 2011

Skywatch Friday - The Green Corridor - Coconut Trees

Continuing from my post on the Green Corridor, besides just viewing the railway tracks along the green corridor, there are so many greenery surrounding the tracks.

So many coconut trees along this track and many fallen coconuts on the ground.

Coconut sprouting a new plant.

Like this photo of a dead leaf among the stones.

A sign indicating the distance of the railway track.

Residents taking a short cut to and from their home to the main road across the railway track.

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  1. Wonderful shots of the palm trees.

  2. I like the coconut trees. I wonder if people come and pick up the fallen coconuts.

  3. Hahaha I have no idea if anyone comes to pick the coconut but am sure those monkeys around the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve will pick them.

  4. Wah! Looks like there are still some coconut trees left in the concrete jungle.

  5. I hope the greenery survives the competition with tall concrete buildings.

  6. just imagine how coconuts grow out of that coconut. it's fun seeing a plant coming out of it.

  7. Great photos, the dead leaf is very nice.

  8. From post: Like this photo of a dead leaf among the stones.

    The dead leaf belongs to Artocarpus altilis (Breadfruit Tree) -- eg. see the Wikipedia entry. Perhaps some of the walkers collected the fruits to cook curry. :)

  9. Pat, thanks for the information. I am not familar with the names of trees/ Breadfruit tree is common in this region but cooking it with curry is not very common here.


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