Friday, March 11, 2011

Skywatch Friday - Wedding

Not much sky in here for skywatch but recently, I attending a wedding. It was very beautiful. They had an outdoor wedding ceremony first followed by dinner at a very posh and beautiful hotel.

Front rows are for the parents and close relatives.

I love the way they fold the napkins.

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.


  1. At least it wasn't raining for the wedding!

    The Cloud Fiddler

    Hey, diddle, diddle,
    The clouds on my fiddle
    Are making it hard to play!

    Hey, diddle, diddle,
    I need a new fiddle
    With all the clouds whisked away!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Mojave Sky

  2. I just love nice weddings and the decorations.

  3. Wonderful preparations for the wedding.

  4. A sky watch wedding! Beautiful shots.

  5. Lovely post, Alice, and it looks as though it will be a wonderful and beautiful wedding! Enjoy your weekend!


  6. Wow!Outdoor wedding,i have been to one only.

  7. Hi Alice! It looks great; hope the food matched... ;)

    Matisse and Chagall: what a ticket... ;) Confirm it at Blogtrotter Two... Enjoy and have a great weekend!!

  8. now you led me again to hinking of prparing my dream island wedding.

  9. they better hope it doesn't rain.

    Once, my friend and I were in Fort cannings, there was a wedding, it started to rain. alamack! Poor bride.


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