Saturday, January 8, 2011


Happy 2011 everybody.

My first post for 2011. Being pampered on this day. :) If only I am being pampered everyday in 2011. ....hehehe. Yes, I share the same birthday date as Elvis Presley but ain't as famous as him....hahaha. Anyway I dont want to be famous cause I like my privacy and am so much contended with my present lifestyle.
Flowers from my son's girlfriend. So sweet and pretty and wrapped in my favourite purple colour wrappers.
My favourite blackforest flavour cake. Will blow the candles and make my wish tonight.
Had lunch at The Ship Restaurant. Mine comes with half a lobster and dory fish. The portion was so much that I could not finish it. Did not photograph the soup of the day (very yummy)
Ending my lunch with tea and dessert of the day. The dessert is fried banana coated in flour.
Just blew the cake and make my wishes. :)


  1. Happy Birthday to you! A lovely way to start the year too. May your wishes come true. Enjoy the pampering. I'm sure more will come!

  2. Happy Birthday Alice! Enjoy the pampering and wishing you many happy returns for the day and may all your wishes come true! Cheers :-)

  3. Keats and Mable- thank you so much for the wishes. I do hope my wishes will come true. :)

  4. Have a great birthday. That Black Forest Cake looks tasty

    An Arkies Musings

  5. Happy New Year and Happy Birthday! my best wishes!

  6. Thank you Richies and Lara for the wishes. :)

  7. Happy New Year and I am waiting for more food & other pictures in 2011:) Greetings from Poland


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