Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My World Tuesday - Singapore Zoo - White Tiger

Been a long time since I last visited the Singapore Zoo. Used to bring my kids there when they were young but when they grew up, they have so much commitments we dont have the time to visit the zoo again.

But recently, my youngest son was on long leave from his national service, he brought me to the zoo. Now it is the other way round...lol. Son bring mom and not mom bring son to the zoo. :)

There's much changes to the zoo since I last visited.

My post for my world tuesday are these rare white tigers. There are three of them in the enclosures.

In 2008 a worker from Malaysia had jumped into a moat at the white tiger enclave and was subsequently mauled to death by the white tigers.

"Prior to the incident, the zookeepers had actually noticed that the contract worker was behaving erratically.

"He was throwing things around and as he was walking out of the zoo, he passed comments like 'Goodbye, you won't see me again'. He later cycled back and 5 minutes later, the alarm went off." (Source: Channel News Asia )

Some kindergarten kids near me were making so much noise that it attracted the tiger. The way the tiger was walking up and down made me nervous, I thought it was like the tiger was checking its prey.
A short video on the white tiger.

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.


  1. Quite scary, I hope the tiger settled down soon.

  2. Oh, Alice! they are so beautiful! And your photos are superb! I've never seen one other than in photos, but I do love the big cats! Another lovely look at your world! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your week!


  3. Wonderful shots of the zoo. The tier is gorgeous.

  4. I thought they were just statue, but when I loaded the video, they're awesome.
    My World Tuesday here

  5. I guess it's only if we are provoking the animals they would attack. otherwise, they are pretty cool :)

  6. Beautiful tigers and the man got his moment of glory, although that did not last long.

    Nice outing for mother and son.

  7. Beautiful animals - just keep your distance.

  8. It´s very pretty, like a statue made of marble.

  9. What gorgeous animals. I think we forget how powerful they are until seeing them up close like this. I love the zoo for all the animal photo ops. Thanks for sharing.


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