Friday, August 6, 2010

National Day Parade 2010 Rehearsal on 31.07.2010 - Planes

Time passes fast and it is already Friday and looking forward to weekend to spend time with family. Geez we have less than five months before 2011.

Some of the videos are blurred cause of the excitement and the planes were too fast, no time to focus the camera.

Hope you all enjoyed the short videos and sorry for the blurred videos. I love taking short vidoes so that I could view them on the computer over and over again. The best video I took was the fireworks but it was too long to load to blogger.

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch Blog


  1. You have to view the whole video especially the second video. The chinooks and the apache are slower in action but immediately after the chinnoks, the fighter planes are trailing behind them. Lots of action and display in the sky shows for the NDP. I wont be attending the show on the actual day ie. 9th August cause we need tickets to go into the venue. So I have to be contended to watch the live telecast at home.

    For those interested, I think you can watch it on the internet on 9th August 2010 5.30pm to 8.30 pm (singapore time)

    I think this is the site to view the live telecast on the internet.

  2. Great shots and videos, Alice! Thanks for sharing them with us! Time does indeed fly and the older I get the faster it flies! Have a wonderful weekend!


  3. Air shows always excite me. Great shot.

  4. Excitement both in the air and on the ground. Happy National Day!

  5. what a way to celebrate the national day. almost unending.


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