Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Where did the comments go to?

I have no idea what happen to the comments that I published. I think they got lost in space.

Thanks to all those who visited my blog and thanks for your comments. Hopefully, the comments will return and be published soon.


  1. same story here today. but now I could finally recover the comments: they just showed up :)). I don't even try to understand... :))

  2. Thanks goodness the comments came back...lol. I thought I deleted the comments accidentally.

  3. i believe there were some glitches lately.

  4. same thing happened to me yesterday. i finally had time to blog-hop for at least 2 hours only to find out later that my comments were gone. but they appeared earlier today :) must be the traffic.


Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I will try to return blog visiting whenever I could and will also try to reply your questions about my posts.