Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My World Tuesday - National Day 2010 Rehearsal - March Past by Guard of Honours

As mentioned earlier, last weekend, I watched the behind the scenes of the National Day 2010 rehearsal. I did not managed to get tickets to view the whole performance on the actual site, i.e. at the padang field (a huge field infront of city hall).

These are the flag bearers. They looked so smart in their uniform.

Everyone must looked smart and everything must go right for the march past.

Some short videos of the march past towards Padang - the place where the celebrations started.

You can watch the You Tube of one of the rehearsal. The video was from the official site of NDP 2010

Please visit That's My World for photos of other parts of the world.
Please return to view more of my videos of what I see from behind the scene.


  1. Fantastic captures. I wish you had got the tickets for the event.

  2. Did you really make time to go there or you chanced upon it and you got lucky? You have nice shots.

  3. wow! that's just a rehearsal but they're all in uniform already. i enjoyed the videos.

  4. Ewok, I purposely go there cause never see the NDP parade live before. Went there and armed with two cameras, one for myself and the other for hubby...lol. We went for the fireworks after watching the parade by the street. You got to come back and watch my video on the fireworks, it is so beautiful. Next year, I will try to ballot for the tickets to watch the live performance at the actual site.

  5. Great shots of an beautiful event.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  6. Great shots, I hope you get tickets for the next year's event.


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