Friday, January 29, 2010

Skywatch Friday - Sentosa - Fort Siloso Part 4

Oooo, look who is greeting me at the end of the tunnel. It's not real just a wax figure of a British Soldier.

As they anticipated the Japanese would attack Singapore from the Sea during WW2, all the guns were facing the sea. So this command post was very important as they could spot the enemy from afar.

The guns were never used as the enemies came from the North (via Malaysia through the thick jungle) instead of the South from the sea. So sad, and they occupied us for about three years till they surrendered when America dropped an Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima, Japan. You might like to read more about the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

This is the peaceful sea now that the guns were facing. I was standing there all alone now admiring the beautiful peaceful sea.

A short video of the surrounding. Hahaha, you can see that I walked very fast while videoing cause it is so scary to be all alone out . Am afraid cause there are many wild monkeys in this forested area too. (Will show you photos of the wild monkeys in later post.)

A bit shaky here and there in this video but after staying out here for a while, I am not so afraid anymore. But on the way out, I ran all the way up the stairs of the dark tunnel to catch up with my tired relatives...hahaha

Thinking back of the incident, really made me laugh again, it's kind of funny. I think I should not have brought my tired Cambodian Relatives to visit this Fort. They have just recovered from a war and there's a lot of war museums in their country. I should have plan better.

Above another short video showing the peaceful sea.

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.


  1. Like shots of the artillery.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Alex's World! -

  2. very nice series. i really like it.

  3. Alice,

    R U getting ready for Chinese New year?

    baking lots of goodies?

  4. Nice pictures. I read in the paper today, Universal casino is opening :) Bet it will be expensive too. Happy weekend Alice.

  5. Ann, yes been so busy over here. Just spring cleaning and not sure if I want to bake any cookies yet. But I will make some agar agar during CNY.

    M. Kate, yes I think the casino will open before CNY (not confirmed). We, locals need to pay an entrance fee of $100 if we want to gamble. I dont gamble so it does not affect me. Even if I enter a casino, I will only play the jackpot at a low cause I dont have any luck at all in gambling.

  6. Fascinating! That fort certainly has great views!

  7. After seeing both posts it's pretty obvious and we should have maybe followed all the clues given by the title!
    But it was great following you on this one.

    By the way, I couldn't stop reading when you said "I don't have any luck at all in gambling"; well, in Portugal we say "unlucky in gambling, lucky at love!" ...


  9. Ferreira Pinto, I very much agreed with you about

  10. I always enjoy visiting your blog Alice, great post this week.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures


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