Friday, January 1, 2010


A very happy new year to everyone. I have such a nice time being just lazy and away from the computer. I was away at a resort in a corner of Singapore, from christmas till end of the year...was so much fun and we did so much during these few days and I dont feel like coming
Have fun with my new camera using the panorama feature, i.e. to capture three photos in one large photo.

This is how the chalet looked like with all the bungalows in one photo.

The interior of the bungalow.

The golf course at the resort.

The bowling centre and there are also the swimming pool, karaoke, arcade, etc... I will feature our fun in later posts on kite flying, bbq, etc
I know christmas is over but could not resist posting this video of the cute snowman and look what is inside the gift box.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds like you had a well rested break. Very nice panoramic shots of the place and surroundings!

    Happy New Year!

    Alex's World! -


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