Sunday, October 4, 2009

What's happening in Chinatown?

What's all the commotion? The road in front of People's Park Complex in Chinatown, Singapore was closed and everyone waiting for some kind of parade or performance but nothing happen.

Glad hubby and me, smart enough to just go for our dinner and not wait for it to happen. True enough, nothing Road closed for about 1 hour (i think) then reopen...hahaha. So people who crossed to the middle of the road had problem crossing back when the road reopen.

I think the performance/lantern carrying was cancelled due to the rain??? No idea really.


  1. There was really nothing happening
    Have a nice sunday :)))))

  2. The children will be disappointment if the lantern walk is cancelled.

    What's your fav mooncake?

    Mine is the nutty ones, can't get them here.

  3. Ann, I love the snowskin with durian or chocolate flavour.:)

  4. Hi Alice! Profiting from today’s holiday – the 99th anniversary of the Republic in Portugal - I’m happy to have some more time to surf the net and enjoy your blog!

    Rain is always a bit disturbing, even in Singapore where it could act as a balsam against the heat... ;))

    Blogtrotter is showing you Antalya. Enjoy and have a great week!

  5. Sometimes things don't happen and we never figure out why.

  6. oh, everybody was disappointed, right? :)

  7. I would love to see a Lantern Parade Alice..


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