Friday, September 25, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Integrated Resort

There are so many cranes in Marina. This is where the integrated resort will be in Marina.

Finally we get to see the almost completed towers of the integrated resort.

There are three towers altogether and they would be linked on the roof top by a beautiful garden with water features.

The integrated resort in Marina will be a world class luxury resort featuring state-of-the art convention and exhibition and of course comes with a casino. To prevent locals from gambling so easily, an entrance fee of about $100 will be imposed and family members can ban their loved ones from gambling. I dont look forward to the casino but rather the chance for photography of the beautiful constructed resort and enjoy fine dining in the beautiful hotels. :) You can read more about the resort in their official website.

A short video showing the numerous cranes.
For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.


  1. That sounds like a fascinating building. The gambling fee would keep me on the outside looking in.

  2. my friend this is fantastic !!!!

  3. The towers are very funny qua model
    Special design :)

  4. This looks like a massive construction work going on. The weather looks hazy. Do take care.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Alex's World! -

  5. lots of development in singapore. i wonder how all of these attractions and building fit in such a small but beautiful country.

  6. I love the video of the cranes - can't say I like the casino buildings though - skyscrapers always make me shudder.

  7. Ooops, I have edited the title, I typed wrongly on the word Friday...hehehe and have since corrected it. Thank you Anya for alerting me. :)

  8. The building looks wonderful. It seems that Asia is taking the lead on creativity in building design.

  9. wow, must a be a great view from the top!

  10. Construction industry is keeping us afloat in this recession so it's a good thing.

    Have a good weekend Alice.

  11. Hi Alice..
    I have an award waiting for you over at my blog. It's the Attitude of Gratitude don't have to do anything..just maybe tell something you're grateful for. You don't have to pass the award on if you don't want to..

  12. Are they ready soon? Does this mean that cruise to no where would no longer be popular?

  13. Sandy, I might be standing outside to watch

    Anya, yes, the building was built according to fengshui.

    Alex, the weather is indeed hazy due to burning in neighbouring country.

    Lawstude, sometimes being small is wonderful and Singapore is very well organised.

    Lara, yes, wondered if I can get the chance to go up to the roof to take photos.

    Irene, I heard many couples about to marry are trying to book ballrooms in the hotels. I think it will be very beautiful when completed. Yes, to help our economy.

    CC, thank you so much and will pop over to your blog soon.

    Ann, the resort will be ready next year. I guess the cruise to nowhere is still popular to people who do not want to pay the $100 entrance fee.

    To the rest, thank you so much for visiting and your nice comments.


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