Saturday, August 8, 2009

National Day - Singapore 44th Birthday

August 9th is Singapore National Day, which means Singapore is 44 years old. Geez, I am five years older than Singapore...hehehe

Seen across the island are flags hang out by homeowners to celebrate the occasion.

Decorations for national day can be seen across the island.

I spotted these cardboard cut out of the cows. Wondered why they only painted one side of the cardboard.

This year something big is happening. At 8.22 pm on 9th August 2009, Singaporeans at home and abroad are urged to recite the pledge together at the same time.

Siblings and I thought it is a good idea. After all, siblings and I have seen Singapore struggled from a poor country to be a branded country. During our childhood, most Singaporean are poor or very poor but today the poor still have a roof over their head and they own their own home and only a handful dont own their home.

The words of the National Pledge are:

We, the citizens of Singapore pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society, based on justice and equality, so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation.



  1. Happy Birthday to your country Alice. Someday, I hope to visit, so we can shop and eat all the wonderous food. Hugs..XXXX

  2. I thought you where 44 years LOL

    Congratulations singapore,
    Those cows are very colorful
    and funny :)

  3. The pledge is lovely. What great things to strive for.

    An Arkies Musings

  4. Singaporeons are very patriotic, most of them any way.

    Having been a guest to Singapore, I have to say, it is very clean and safe.

    happy Birthday, Singapore.

  5. Happy Birthday Singapore and Mabuhay. Hope to go back again soon.

  6. A very HAPPY Birthday to Singapore...

  7. CC, you are so right. We could shop and crochet together too. I miss you so much CC. :)

  8. Anya, I too wish I am 44...hehehe

    Richie, thank you so much for the wishes.

    Ann, thank you so much for the wishes and yes, I hang out my Singapore flag too. :)

    Lawstude, next year there are more attractions opening. Hope you will return and visit.

    Michelle, thank you so much for the wishes. :)

  9. Happy Birthday to Singapore and I think the pledge is very well worded.... I hope 'You' and your family have a gret time today... and much fun is had by all.

    Thank you for commenting on my Park pictures.... it is a nice place to walk.. and apart from the gardn theses a large woodlands to explore, and of course a play area for the children. Bowling and tennis is played here as well.... then theres the Band Stand... it is a nice park yet many people do not bother to spend time there.

    My blogs: today show Park Flowers and Water Lillies

  10. Happy Birthday Singapore and may you continue to prosper!

  11. greetings from the Philippines!

    happy birthday Singapore!!!

  12. Tom,Keat and Dong, thank you so much for the wishes and yes I recite the pledge at 8.22pm last night. :)

  13. Happy Birthday Singapura :D That is a very good pledge Alice, you know I have known so many people, relatives, friends etc., they all work in Singapore and never come back...I am not surprised somehow.

  14. M.Kate...hahaha..not surprising at all. My family is not only multi religion, we are also multi national....hehehe. My brother's wife is from China but now a Singapore Citizen and my nephew's wife is cambodian.

  15. Happy (belated) Anniversary! Champagne still around? ;))
    Have a great week!!

  16. Happy belated Birthday Singapore.

  17. Happy birthday Singapore. You have achieved much in 44 years.

  18. GMG, Jim and Gordon, thank you so much for the wishes. :)

  19. 49! Wow! haha...
    Finally we have cows along our streets. moo...

    Alex's World! -

  20. Alice we are older than Singapore LOL


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