Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Walking Trip - Part 7 - Forest Walk - Flora

Some of the flora that I saw. Just snap a few pictures of them.
Orchids growing in the wild

Not sure what is the name of the little purple flower (Circled)

More to be continued...........


  1. Lovely green post :)
    I have never seen Orchids growing in the wild !!!!
    They are very little ;)

  2. Hi Alice... where do I start... I've missed all the posts on this walk so I have just caught up with them.. it really as been time well spent.. and I 've enjoyed them all... of course todays flowers are beautiful but I have a favourite post in this series and that is the walk way through the tree tops.. what a great idea that was... I would have loved to have seen and walk that.
    My blogs today show the Three Stags Heads Inn and 2 Magpies On A Bench

  3. Anya, first time for me to discover orchids growing in the wild too.

    Tom, Thanks for visiting. Yes, I too like the tree top walking and fall in love with it too. Although Singapore is so small and a cosmopoliton city, we still have a lot of these rainforest found all over the island. I hope to feature more of these.

  4. I like wild orchids..though we have them here but I hardly see them. Have a blessed week ahead Alice, hugs/M

  5. Hi Alice! it looks great, but I can only think at the heat and humidity... ;))

  6. Alice,

    after all the walking you can go to Sarawak, and go to Sibu for the latest pampering machine, a Rejang River cruise, 9 days. check it out. hat a joke, who wants to cruise Rejang river. May be rich Singaporeons will.cheers,

    Ann :)
    p/s read yr comment on Gordon's site that you want to be pampered.


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