Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ION Orchard - Inside the mall - shops

ION Orchard is a branded mall. So all the shops from the ground floor up to the higher floors are shops that sell branded goods.

Shops like burberry, Prada, Cartier, Giorgio Armani, Louis Vuitton, etc

The above photo shows a father riding the escalator with his daughter on his shoulder (circled). This is a very dangerous act, one wrong slip, the child might fall many floors down. Not a wise act by the father.

I like this bookshop's window display of star trek's characters.

Below photo is the one of the basement (there are four levels in the basement) where the shops are not so expensive, we can all afford it.

Tomorrow I will showcase basement four where all the food are. :)


  1. Nice snaps. It is rarely we see very few people in the mall.

  2. wow, u really comb the place eh? :-)

  3. Is this a new mall, or maybe I missed it when I was last there 2 years ago. nice shops...cant afford to even go in let alone buy anything...and I look forward to the FOOD :P Tks for your kind comments Alice, government said they may want to declare emergency if more death arise...but knowing our gov..I am not so confident..Have a good day and stay safe :P

  4. Alice, I haven't been in there so thanks for your preview..

  5. Keropok, yes we comb the whole place..hehehe and yes we visited the posh toilet too...hahaha..

    M. Kate, this is a very new mall that opened last month. M. Kate, there are shops in the basement (B1 to B4), they are affordable to the average shoppers and you might like to use their toilets when you are in Orchard Road, their toilets are the cleanest that I have

    M. Kate, I am sorry to hear so many deaths from H1N1 in your country. Hope all will be well and please take care and stay healthy.

    Irene, you are welcome.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Rajesh, I was there with my childhood friend. We went there before 11 am to avoid the crowd so that I can take a good photo of the front entrance, that explains the presence of so little people.

  8. Hi Alice
    At last I have some 'me time' to spend visiting my blog friends... :O)

    I can hear the cash till clanging away from here.... you have captured some excellent shots here... the 3rd one is a stunner.

    Why not drop by for a nice walk through the fields around where I live.

  9. Even if your budget doesn't allow branded purchases, at least it's still free to look at them, right?

    What did you buy?

  10. Tom, thank you for the visit, will pop over your blog. :)

    PC, of course it is free to browse the mall and take photos. I bought some tee shirt from uniqlo. Their prices are very reasonable. It is a japanese store. You can view their website here.

  11. ooo. posh toilets too? I did not know that! hehe...


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