Friday, June 26, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Visit to the National Museum - Part 9

I almost done posting with my series of photos for the Hope you are not bored with museum now.

These are my contributions for Skywatch Friday.

The ceiling of the new museum (extension of the old museum) are also made of glass.

You can see that the museum is so big and spacious.

If you are an older Singaporean, you should recognize this spooky spiral staircase. I remembered when I was a child, I saw this staircase at the corner of the museum with a no entry sign. It was rumoured there were hidden secrets above. There were ghosts or mummies, etc hidden in there.But the truth was is just a staircase leading to the roof of the

A sculpture of a red pepper in the garden located on the highest floor of the new museum.

For other sky watchers, please hop over to Skywatch blog.


  1. Interesting Sky photos, love the pepper sculpture.

  2. i love that red pepper sculpture...very different. and i have so enjoyed the tour of the museum. hope you did not run into any of the ghosts.
    have a wonderful weekend.

  3. I know this is a skywatch entry Alice, but I am so drawn to the pepper sculpture. What is the significance of it to Singapore? I know maybe chili crab?

  4. I'm not tired of the museum. Post away.
    I liked the story about the spiral staircase. How many childhood mysteries get spoiled when you grow up. A lot for me.
    I like the pepper sculpture also.

  5. Great looking museum, I'd love to visit, excellent shots.

    Have a nice weekend
    Regina In Pictures

  6. The artist that did the sculpture is Kumari Nahappan. You can see his official website here:

    I have no idea of what the sculpture meant - I guess art is for everyone to guess and talked about it.

    The artist did a family of chilli, pepper, etc sculptures. I guess one of the reason being that we love chilli and hot stuff.

  7. Fascinating series of the museum. Unfortunately, ours aren't this exciting...can't even remember the last time I went. have a good weekend Alice..M

  8. Alice: That is a neat shot through the roof. I love the pepper sculpture.

  9. Hi Alice,

    You mean there is a roof garden? I did read when I was in Singapore that your Govt is encouraging roof gardens.

    BTW, have you been to the Arts Building in NTU, it has a sloping grass where you can walk to the roof. Some people say it looks the like chua chu kang "arm chairs". You know what those "armchairs" are?

  10. Ann, the garden is not on the roof, it is a garden behind the building on the highest floor. Briefly, the highest floor of the museum is same level of the hill.

    No, never been to NTU and it must be fun to be able to walk to the roof. I have never heard about the "CCK arm chairs". No idea what that is.

  11. I like the pepper. Wouldnt it be neat if they made up an offical story about the stairs. Do kids think it still goes to a haunted place?

  12. LOVE that red pepper! I think I need a sculpture like that in my back yard!

  13. Lovely shots, particularly the red pepper.


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