Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fort Canning Park - Part 1

This is Fort Canning Park. I just visited the entrance of the park, did not really venture right into it cause I was on another appointment and there were more than 10 people with me. They dont have the patience to accompany me into the park...lol.

The gate in gothic style lead the visitor into the park, where a Christian cemetery used to stand. Built in 1846, these gates have since become landmarks of Fort Canning Hill. Note the letters above both gates - IHS - standing for Iota Heta Sigm , the first three letters of the Greek word for Jesus. You can read more about it in here.

There are plenty of greenery around the entrance and more inside the park.
I love this huge bird nest fern.

Saw these white little flowers in the background they are Vinca Rosea. Their leaves are used as anti cancerous agent. Did not have the close up photo of the white flower (they did not turn out clear.)
More photos on the spice garden tomorrow.

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.


  1. finally i had the chance to blog hop. never heard of a spice garden before. it looks like its very beautiful place just for that garden. we'll look forward to more of those photos.

  2. Very nice place and I am interested to know how it got that name.

  3. Anti-cancerous?!
    Very precious. am glad I got a glimpse.

  4. What a gorgeous park, great shots.

    Have a great week
    Regina In Pictures

  5. Thanks for all the nice comments and visit. We have so many little secret corners in Singapore but I so little time to explore. I wish I could put more photos. Been so busy with family matters, will covered those little secret corners once I sorted out some family matters.

  6. that is one lush park. i could just stay there and rest for a while. beautiful.

  7. Its a very beautiful park :)
    Very great information about the leaves for cancerous !!

  8. Good morning Alice
    I hope we get to see more of this park soon.. in looks most interesting.

  9. Vinca rosea is also called the periwinkle. I used to grow them . Theya are really pretty and come in many shades.
    Am posting orchids . Do pop in to visit:)

  10. Very interesting and lush. Would love o peek into those secret corners.

  11. An anti-cancerous agent? Amazing. Can't wait for the part 2 of the spice garden series!

    Thank you so much for this very interesting tour.

  12. Lovely and leafy! Great pics.

  13. Once my UK friend and I specially went to the spice garden to look at the herbs and spice. There was a wedding. It was nice, except it became too hot and humid.

    I miss Singapore, today, my colleague bought some lemon grass to cook Vietnamese in school. I used to grow so much when I was living in NTU.

  14. Ann, you are right about a wedding near the park. :)

    I was hurrying to the wedding ...will post about it in later posts.

    Tom, I do hope to post more photos when I return to the park one day but too busy with family matters at the moment.

  15. Alice: It is a neat place and I want to see more.

  16. It really is a wonderful park, but then Singapore is so beautifully green now anyway.


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