Saturday, May 23, 2009

Very Precious Teaset Collection

My contribution for Pink Saturday is this very precious teaset collection. I inherited from my late mom. :) They are part of 4 sets of teaset collection for my mom's wedding. They were given by my mom's cousin who was a sailor and he bought these from England.

So my mom gave each of her 4 daughters a set of of the teaset. So the teasets collection are older than me(am 49). I think they could easily be 60 to 70 years old or more. I have no idea.

It comes with a teapot, a sugar and milk pots and six tea cups and saucers and six dinner plates. I like the sugar pot best of all, can keep secrets (now no longer a secret...hehehe).
I love these so much.

Only show you two sets of the teacups and saucers there are four more.

I have no idea how much they are worth and I dont think I have the heart to sell them. I told my sons that these are antiques and they must not throw away as

If mom is still alive, she would be so proud to see her wedding gift in my blog. :) My mom is very proud and supportive in everything that I do.

For more pinky participants, please visit Beverly of How Sweet The Sound.


  1. If you are wondering if they are pink, yes very light pink.

  2. Your tea set is beautiful.. I love all the pieces. How wonderful that you have such a treasure.
    p.s. I think I've fixed my blog problems.. I sure hope so anyway. Happy Pink Saturday and hugs from Texas.

  3. I missed quite a few of your interesting posts. This one showcasing your beautiful tea set reminds me that I also have a a tea set from my mum and it was part of a large dinner set. A pity that only a few pieces remained of the dinner set. I have the tea pot, six teacups and saucers and sugar bowl too! I have almost forgotten about it or perhaps took it for granted as it sits silent in my glass cupboard in the kitchen. Thanks for reminding me of this precious gift from my mum. Cheers!

  4. Hi Alice,

    such a precious gift, you better not touch it in case you chip it. That's the advice I gave to my girl friend when she served us and a group of young mums with kids morning tea. Sure enough, one kid came and broke one of the saucers.

    You are very lucky to inherit something like this from your mum. My mum was a war bride, had nothing.



    p/s thanks for support for Kevin.

  5. They are so precious.
    Lovely shade of pink and lovely prints too. You would have definitely done your mom proud. :)

  6. CC, glad you are able to fix your blog problem. My blog's problem gone too, TG.

    Mable, OMG, we have so much in common. I too wondered if you are my twin in my past I would love to see your precious tea sets too. :)

    Ann, mine wont be They are too precious to me.

    Indrani, yes I love the bamboo prints on them.

  7. Good morning, I'm stopping by to say hello, and HPS!

    Isn't that set so unique and wonderful? Just really cool -


  8. Now this make me curious, I got to take photos of the other three teasets that was in my three sisters's processions. I wondered if they still have it.

  9. Happy Pink Saturday ~ I hope you have a great weekend ~ Susan

  10. wow! those are really oriental and beautiful tea sets. but it's not so popular here because filipinos are not really into teas.

  11. Good on you! Mum must be so proud of you.

  12. How beautiful! And special because they came from your mom.

  13. What a l♥vely Pink Saturday blog entry. This is the one day of the week when I get to sit for a couple of hours and soak in my favorite color. Thanks for being a part of that day☺

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful family weekend. I will be remembering my father who served in WWII, and praying for all of our military who are in harms' way.

  14. The bamboo prints,
    its so lovely,its my tast:)
    I have also one from my mother but is not my tast ;) LOL
    Have a nice tee weekend :)

  15. Such a pretty tea set! Happy Pink Saturday!

  16. These are just lovely. I can see why you love them so much. I can tell you loved your mom very much, too.
    hugs, bj

  17. Very pretty tea set! Happy Pink Saturday!

  18. what a great gift your mother gave all of you, now you have something that can never be replaced, and came from the heart, happy pink saturday, Char

  19. It is beautiful ...I have some tea cups that my grandmother had. They are beautiful, but they mean a lot to me as she used to let us drink our milk from them and play when we were children...
    Michelle From Rambling Woods

  20. Thank you for the nice comments and visit. I finally get photo of another set of teaset which I am going to post soon.

  21. Oh, Alice. This is just beautiful, and what a wonderful treasure for you from your mother. Thank you for sharing something so special with us.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  22. Hi Alice! These dishes are BEAUTIFUL!.. and I can understand why the mean so very much to you!!

    Hope you had a Happy Pink Saturday, and are enjoying the week! See you for the next one coming 'round!


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