Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My World Tuesday-Walking trip along Coleman Street-St. Andrew's Cathedral

Today, I will begin a series of what I see along the Coleman Street. Coleman Street and Hill Street are my two playgrounds during my childhood times...lol. During those times, there were not many tall buildings or cars. My late grandparents used to stay in those pre war shophouses near Coleman Street where the now Funan Centre is.(It Complex-will post about Funan another day.)

This is the famous St Andrew's Cathedral which is protected under the heritage law.

I love the beautiful architectural design of the church. You can read more about it in here.

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.
Please come back tomorrow for more posts on Coleman Street.


  1. You are doing the Singapore series so well... a true representative of the country.

  2. the church is imposingly beautiful. i like churches in general specially the old ones because of the designs. the clear sky added beauty to ur shot. great job.

  3. beautiful capture of an historic structure. i am always captivated by the spires of these old churches reaching to the heavens.
    have a wonderful week.

  4. A distinctive looking church. I like it very much.

  5. A beautiful church Alice. I love the design too, do you know what type it is?

  6. I never seen a white church !!
    Its very beautiful :)
    Your country is a BEAUTY
    you let us see.
    Thanks for sharing ^__^

  7. Beautiful church - not typical of Singapore, is it?

  8. Thank you for this post, I have always loved St.Andrew's Cathedral with its embroidered kneeling cushions.

  9. This look so much like the church at my hometown..happy week Alice/Hugs/M

  10. It looks an interesting place - perhaps I will get to visit in person when I'm in Singapore.

  11. oh so this is the one that you mentioned to me! beautiful. it looks like the churches of iglesia ni cristo here.

  12. What a beautiful cathedral. I love the bright white and all the architectural details. I'm looking forward to more from Coleman St.


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