Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My World Tuesday-Green Corner in Housing Estate (Part 1)

I am starting a new series of the facilities in some housing estates of Singapore.

Singapore is a small island. Majority of us stay in high rise buildings and own our home. We have housing estates scattered all over the island and each estate is self contained in such that they have malls, markets, library , cinemas, etc.

But we cant always be in malls, etc.

So to get people to come out of their flats and mingle around with their neighbours, corners like the above are created. Some corners are known as senior citizen corner while the above photo is known as Green Tea Junction.

I think the word green explained the small garden near this corner and Tea Junction really meant to chat/mingle over tea at this corner.
It is for everyone, young or old. They have tables and chairs, wash basin, TV, etc. Residents can get together in this corner to discuss the day's happenings or celebrate a festival or occasions.
This corner has a small garden for residents who love gardening but dont own a garden in their home.

I could not get in the garden cause the person in charge of the keys was not around and it is noon and most dont do gardening at this time.

So I placed my camera through the fence and took photos of the little garden. :) I spotted some bamboo shoots, chillis and okra(ladies fingers).

Not sure what fruit they are in the below photo.

Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.

Do come back tomorrow to view more photos of the facilites in our housing estate.


  1. That's a lovely garden Alice. I did tell my husband that I wanted to plant some vege in our yard but he is not agreeing saying that it's not so pretty compared to flowers...maybe we should try something here. One thing I admire about the singapore apartments are how well they are maintained and there so much greenery all over
    singapore, absolutely pleasing to the eyes.

  2. Great myworld post as always Alice, thanks for sharing.

    Have a great week
    Regina In Pictures

  3. It's really a marvel how Singapore manages to house the citizens and keep them happy.

  4. The last pic is "Kedongdong" tree Ambarella

  5. that was a wonderful peek into your beautiful world. thank you.

  6. What a great idea to have tea corners! Every apartment block should have one. And what a lovely garden.

  7. Hey Alice, I missed the 3 big papaya trees we left behind in our previous house in Singapore, We used to live near MacRitchie & do have the occasional snakes in our garden. I was looking for yr email as I would like to write to you - is that ok?

  8. Good place to gather and mix. A community of friends will certainly grow!

  9. Xue, there's a contact form on the blog. You can contact me via that contact form. Reason I dont want to put my email addy there was I rec'd too many spam mails.

  10. seems like a nice place I yet have to visit. :)

  11. great idea because i really love structures as much as i like nature.

  12. Lovely place Alice :)))
    In Dutch are also many tea corners :)
    I like the green shots !!

  13. So much of greenery all around. I like the effort you took to name the plants. :)


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