Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pink Saturday-Bazaar

My Pink contribution today will be this bazaar in Chinatown, Singapore.

Lots of artificial flowers on sale at this stall. Spotted any pink flowers?

The couple on the right are my pink subjects in this photo. Also in my photo is the guy wearing orange tee shirt holding a camera. He is so funny. I was actually not taking photo of him but the background behind him. Did not realise that he too find me Take a look at the next photo to see what I meant.

He decided to take my photo too cause he thought I was snapping a photo of I did not realised till I looked at my computer and see this funny photo. He looked like a tourist to me. If I knew, I would pose or make funny face for him...hehehehe.

Inside the bazzar are rows of stalls selling all different kinds of things. From clothings to food and it was hot inside cause it is not air conditioned. Best to visit a bazaar must be the night time.

This is one of the few stalls that I like to stop and take a look and I bought some threads and buttons.

They also sell all the daily necessities that one needed. It is so useful to have these stalls at the bazaar.

On the extreme left of this photo are scratchers where you could scratch your back if your hands cant reach the itchy part. On the extreme right of the photo are canes. These canes are not for walking but for whacking....hehehe.
This is a very sensitive topic. I guess most my age (49years) in Asia might probably have caned by our parents. I remembered being caned once only by my mom because I had a fight with my
There's a saying Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child. Many might see this as abuse but some might called it discipline. But there are some who abuse the cane and beaten their kids real bad. As for me, I cane my sons when they fight in school. Most of the time, the cane was hanging by the cupboard to remind them to
Using the cane need special You must know the rules, no caning on other parts of the body except the butt and no marks must be left on them otherwise it will be abuse. But kids are very smart nowadays, they hid the canes from their parents. But not everyone over here use the canes.
For illegals coming to Singapore, beware you not only will be jailed but caned with two strokes. Please come here legally.


  1. Owwww what a LOVELY bazaar :))
    I like to go shopping there !!
    Its only a bit far ;)
    Very great shots !!
    i go shopping now,
    I have nothing to eat at home HEHE

    Have a nice Weekend Alice :))

  2. what an amazing place! I guess you can find everything there!

  3. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday.

  4. Thank you for sharing these wonderful market pictures. How lucky I am to visit Singapore this morning without even getting on an airplane :)
    ~*Happy Pink Saturday*~

  5. Happy Pink Saturday. Your blog is just such a delight to visit each week. Of course, all of the pink goodies always warm my ♥. This week everyone seems to be out-doing themselves!

    Wishing you, and all those close to your ♥, a purr-fect weekend filled with joy, peace and gracious living.

  6. Enjoy your weekend, Alice!

    xxx ooo

    very hot here--85 degrees in April-- oh no...

  7. WOW! That is really interesting about being caned. I'm make sure I go there legally.

    The bazaar looks like alot of fun with many great items.

    Happy Pink Saturday.


  8. the bazaar looks like a wonderful place to visit! thanks for sharing and happy pink week!!

  9. I enjoy browsing in bazaars. Take your time to look around and be suprised!

  10. Great photos! Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. All these comments & none about the canning!!!...they must be speechless & still getting over the shock! I am with you on the views about caning as a form of discipline in our culture. I don't cane though but I have smacked with my hand. Bazaars & pasar malams are always fun!

  12. Thanks all for the visit and comments. purpose was to share some of our culture in this post.

    During my childhood, some parents would bring the canes to school for the teachers to discipline their sons if they are naughty.

    During my time, I will sue any teachers who cane my sons without my (Teachers are not allowed to cane pupils except for the principal and girls cannot be caned.) But only very very naughty boys are caned - so dont worry.

    Maybe the canes would disappear during my grandchildren's time.

  13. What a great bazaar - and you being photographed while taking a photograph, what fun. This brings back happy memories - I lived in Singapore as a child (around 50 years ago, I bet I wouldn't recognise it now). Is Tang's still there? My favourite store - apart from the Singapore Cold Store, where I used to eat strawberry icecream sodas. Happy Pink Saturday to you!

  14. I would love to visit there, what a great place and looks like so many neat things to buy, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  15. Susie, Wow 50yrs ago? That's a long time, I was not born The old tangs was demolished and a new tangs with hotel was built at the same site. Yes, I still love shopping at Tangs.

  16. Thanks for sharing, I love market places like this - would love to look at all those buttons and thread. Happy Pink Saturday!

  17. a place my mother will definitely love.

  18. Hi Alice I found you through Pink Saturday. I was born in Singapore and stayed until I was eight, it was the 1960's and I have many fond memories and a few photos of the country.This link will take you to a recent Singapore post.
    I returned for a visit in 2000. It was very different but still wonderful.

  19. wow.. I miss visiting this place.. and I also miss visit Geylang too! have a good week Alice! I am late for my pink round!.. hehehehe


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