Sunday, March 22, 2009

Who is your favourite?

Yesterday, I was shopping in Orchard Road. Then in front of Heeren Shopping Mall, I saw this guy promoting for holiday in Queensland, Australia. So I quickly take my camera and snap him cause he was acting funny earlier on to attract people to his booth but when he saw me snapping he just Thanks for posing. :)

Another guy not shy of my camera is this sumo wrestler.
This is his brother and they both are promoting for a Japanese Restaurant in the basement of Heeren Shopping Mall.

Now guess who is this guy, he is famous all over the world....hehehe

Who do you like? My favourite must be the sumo brothers. :)


  1. I had to laugh at the guy with the flippers ..that is too funny....

  2. I vote Ronald, though Mr Flippers' funny too. I'm not a big fan on Japanese Food...

  3. It will be Ronald MacDonald for me, long time boyfriend introduced to me by my kids.

  4. I think I would definitely eat at the restaurant promoted by the sumo wrestlers. After all, they might not like it if I went somewhere else.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Alice.

  5. Awwwwwwwwwwww I don't like the sumo wrestler :( LOL

  6. The guy from Australia, for sure ...

  7. Hahaha, thanks for playing the game with me. I see these three guys have different fans. :)

  8. i go for both! two hands raising here.

  9. i love japanese foos so i'll vote for the sumo wrestles.

    hmmm. i guess the resto has big servings lol.

  10. Love Mr. Flippers! Oh - and those Sumo wrestlers too.

  11. My favorite are the Sumo Wrestlers--I met a world champion Sumo wrestler once, and of all the kids there, he picked up my young son and held him up --my son was thrilled! This was in NYC at Madison Sq. Garden.

  12. Flipper guy is OK ~ I H8 Ronald tho. (not your photo of him)


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