Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My World Tuesday - Sculpture Square

This is a methodist church known as Kampong Kapor Methodist Church at Middle Road. It has a long history and is one of the oldest church in Singapore and protected as a heritage building. It has since moved to a new location and this present church is part of the sculpture square.

The church was formerly known as "Malay Church" because they conduct their services in malay to cater to malay speaking christains. For more of its rich history you can view their offical website.

Love the beautiful windows of the church.

Around the church you can also see lots of sculptures.

For more information on the sculpture square you can view their official website .
Please visit "That's my World" for other parts of the world.


  1. Wow, what a unique church, great captures.

    Have a great week!
    Regina In Pictures

  2. Beautiful sculptures. I would love to see the inside of that church.

  3. What a beautiful place you show us.... I just love the colours and the sculpture.


  4. What a neat church! Thanks for sharing,

  5. What a nice building and surrounding. Thanks for sharing

  6. Beautiful church and I love those art works!

  7. Beautiful and interesting church to have lots of sculptures around. It's good that it's protected for the next generations.

  8. Very interesting ! I have never seen a church like that ! That's why I love the "My World" theme because you see so many special things !

  9. Vietnam is an amazing place - I highly recommend a visit. I have enjoyed looking at your photos of Singapore, I am planning on visiting this summer, so it's nice to get a preview!

  10. I love that church and the gallery - and especially the cheerful sculptures in your last photo.

  11. The buildings are all so cheerful! Love the details, and the "wellkeptness" compared to Niger!

  12. What an interesting church and beautiful sculptures. Thanks for showing your world!

  13. I love the rich colors. It's amazing to me that there are so many sculptures there!

  14. This church and the artwork around it are wonderful.

  15. Alice: What a beautiful gathering of sculptures, thanks for sharing.

  16. it has a cute color for a church. quite unique!

  17. Interesting building, and the artwork is fabulous.

    Alice, I'm really enjoying seeing your world.


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