Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sentosa Flower Show 2009 - Palawan Beach Part 3 - Sculpture Exhibition/Competition

Continuing from my yesterday's post on the sculpture exhibition/competition using recycled items.

This pot using rows of hose as the body of the pot/kettle looked so new to me. I thought they are supposed to use recycled items. No wonder they dont get first prize.

I like the way they used the umbrella as decoration.

Even spades are used for this sculpture...very clever.
A scarecrow sculpture...this is cute.

And the winner is the above photo - surprised? I too thought so but looked at their sculptures they really used recycled items. Well Done.

More sculptures found on the beach.
Please return to visit more on Sentosa Flower Show 2009.


  1. These are great ideas..I never would have thought of using any of those things to make anything so fun...

  2. Great sculptures... great artists !

  3. Every thing is so colorful and creative. I am going to have to work on ideal for my garden.

  4. I was there on the first day of the show, it wasn't so crowded so I got a chance to see all the displays at the beach. Pretty awesome works.

  5. I like the winning one, nice colors all over the display.

  6. there is soo much to see in singapore. all beautiful.

  7. Just unbelievable creativity. just amazing that you get to live in this paradise and see all of this!


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