Thursday, February 26, 2009

Emergency HandBook and Multi purposes tool

This is the emergency handbook that every household in Singapore had. I hope they dont throw this book away.

An example of what you can put in your emergency bag.

Some extras you might want to consider putting in too.

Guess what is this!

Without looking at the second photo, can you already guess what this is?

I have fun and laughter reading the previous post on what some wanted to include in their emergency bags. I guess we wanted some luxuries too during an emergency. :)

Alice-two small pillows
Pinto-coffeepot and two pillows
Micelle-something to be able to cook
Kitem-a bottle of whiskey
Dong -umbrella
My Friend-laptop
Another Friend-her bolster

What about the rest of you? Do you want some luxuries in your emergency bag? This is just for fun only.

This is a multi purposes tool which looked like this after opening up all the gadgets. It acted as a scissors, opening, small knife file, etc

Ok, this going into my emergency bag too. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ah - the invaluable Leatherman tool! My husband always has his on him.. although he hasn't used the horse hoof-picking tool yet!


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