Sunday, January 11, 2009

Changi BoardWalk Part 2-Chalets

Continuing with my walk along the boardwalk, we could see some bungalows and chalets in the fenced compound. And I can recognize the above bungalow, having been there when I was a teenager. Wow, the bungalow still

Holiday makers BBQ in the compound.

To be continued...........


  1. wow! it means that this place has been there for quite some time now.

    it's nice to visit places that we've somewhat forget visiting back.

  2. It's a happy warm tropical life.

  3. Hi Alice! New Year, Old Troubles... No, I’m not talking about the frosty weather, just the office... Another hectic week! ;)
    Beautiful pictures and posts on Changi Village; I wouldn't mind to take a break!
    Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter!
    Have a great week!

  4. Thanks for all the nice comments.

    Dong, those bungalows had been around even before I was If I am not mistaken, they used to be living quarters for the British Military during olden times.

  5. Kitem, yes, it is happy life for all the holiday makers there.

    GMG, thanks for dropping by, you have good blog and photos to share with all.

  6. so nice to see all this green!

  7. Wow... that's a great place to be a teenager :)

  8. Lara, yes, there's full of green in Changi, no big shopping Very ideal for a relaxing weekend with family.

    Ferreira, yes I enjoyed my time as a teenager, with disco, chalets, BBQ, cycling, boating etc.... no computer games...that is the fun part. Wish I can turn the clock

  9. hehe.. i stayed in one of those bungalows few years ago!

    and since then i have not stepped into that place. how time flies...


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