Friday, December 12, 2008

Skywatch - View from the plane

These photos were taken when I travelled to Melbourne. It was a night flight but because of the time difference, it was morning in Australia. When we were about halfway in our journey we could see that half the plane was in darkness while the other half was almost bright. Cool eh! We flew over the equator. :)

The sky nearer to our windows are still in darkness while the other half we could see the sun ray. It was a wonderful experience and I think most passengers did not experienced it cause they were all snoozing away.
It was so wonderful to see the clouds below us.

Almost reaching Melbourne, we could see the land below.
For other sky watchers, you pop over to Skywatch blog.


  1. that's really neat. cool pics you got here.

  2. That is so cool. I love seeing clouds when I am in a plane. You have captured it very well.

  3. OMG!!!what are the odds, we have the same entries :)
    Look SWF:View From The Top

  4. Beautiful skyscape,I love the pictures.Thanks for sharing and happy SWF.

  5. I love that effect when travelling.

    Crossing Australia on a clear day is amazing it is just so desolate and red!!!!

  6. I love shots from the plane!! :)
    But I hate window seats :P *lol*

  7. Elaine, me too but I would exchange seats with son to take photo of the sky and change back to aisle seat.

  8. Cool shots! Taking pictures while on the plane's one of my fav thing to do too, other than eat and watching movies and iPod and read a book and catching up with work on the PC and sleep.

  9. Outstanding shots, its amazing how you never see 2 shots from airplanes that are exactly alike. Thanks for sharing.

    Regina In Pictures

  10. That is really cool, love the shots of the clouds too.Thanks for stopping over

  11. Beautiful skies I love the blueness of it all! Each time I travel I want to take photos of the skies but they end up being too pale blue, this blue on the other hand is simply breathtaking, I Love it!!!

  12. really really cool! happy SWF!

  13. Stunning photos! The view from the plane window is the best part of flying!

  14. yihaa! i miss those views from the top.

  15. I very much enjoyed your beautiful photos.
    Have a great sky watch week.

  16. very impressive captures indeed. colors are fantastic

  17. Perfect catch for Skywatch! Mine’s up too hope you can visit.. Have a nice weekend!

  18. These are wonderful, wonderful views.

  19. Great pics! It is an amazing view from up there! :)

  20. Thats where I would like to be right now, on a plane going somewhere.

  21. I love shots like these, being above the clouds. pretty amazing Alice!


  22. Very interesting! I've never even been near the equator. Now I'm more curious than ever!


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