Friday, November 21, 2008


It is the end of the year where it is raining season again. I took these photos last week, it was scary to stand near the window when the lightning was strucking, I was afraid my camera would attract the lightning.

From a very dark black night to........

A stunning purple sky

Look on the left side where you could see the faint lightning which turn the dark black night to a purple sky......beautiful but scary when the thunder started to roar.

For other sky watchers, you can go to Skywatch blog.


  1. Alice: Those are amazing capture of the lightning show.

  2. I like how you captured the explosion of light from out of the darkness. Must have been exilerating.

  3. Amazing lightning photos. Never seen anything like those before.

  4. Hi,
    Happy skywatch Friday to you.
    Not much we can do due to rainy season.Careful OK with lightning even use of cellphone is dangerouse.

  5. I can't see anything in the 1st pic.
    The last one is the best.
    Happy SW Friday!

  6. Thanks for dropping by my blog with the nice comments.
    Tabib, the 1st photo is just a dark black sky with nothing in It was to show the difference in the sky (black and purple).

  7. Lovely! Great shot on those lighting!

  8. With the rainy season during year end. It means... I'll be having 西北风! No need to work in rainy weather *lol*

  9. wow! cool capture of those gloomy skies and lightning.

  10. These are very, very beautiful, Alice!

  11. I am still yet to capture lightening. fantastic.

  12. It DOES look a bit scary! But I'm impressed with your shots! I have never captured lightning with my camera!

  13. You have been tagged!
    If you wish to participate check it out at:

    Six Random Things About Me


    Subang Jaya Daily Photo

  14. Cool series. Lightning shots are so tough to catch.

  15. great job, but i have always been afraid of lightning, er, the combo of thunder and lightning. :(

  16. Hi Alice! It’s always great when I have a chance to get here! But this time it looks a bit scary...
    Interested in Tunisia? Blogtrotter has it now! ;)) Hope you enjoy! Have a great weekend!

    PS: It has been a long time since I read you at Blogtrotter... :(

  17. Hey JC, I had been tagged before, here is my link, I have to revamp my blog and maybe put some facts about me at the sidebar. :)

    BTW, thanks for taggging me.

  18. That is quite a scary explosion of lightening!

  19. Hi Alice, I don't have a cooking blog. Maintaining SJ Daily Photo is quite a task for me. I doubt I will be able to maintain 2 blogs well. However, I really enjoy cooking very much. Probably can send you recipes of dishes that I have tried. Or try to work on a blog to share my recipes. I think my sis would go crazy when she sees me bring my camera into the kitchen and clicking away as I cook...hee...hee..!

  20. Hahaha...I always did that whenever we go to any restuarant, before they started attacking any food, I would click away the food. It looked good....I got a food blog but am revamping it cause it looked too messy.
    The food blog only contain very little recipes. Looking forward to your food blog.
    I did a video on my curry chicken but cant figure out how to use the microsoft movie maker to combine the various video so i might just post the video without

  21. Great series of photos; something I have not tried.


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