Saturday, November 15, 2008

Safra Bungalow Resort (Part 6-BBQ)

BBQ is a must when staying over at the resort. Good thing, it wasn't raining. We had BBQ over three For more photos of the BBQ food, you can pop over to my food blog.


  1. wow! three days eating bbq! i think we too did that when we went to an island.

  2. I also ,love eating bbqs. What about the vegies?
    oh, I go to your food blog to know more.

  3. Love every angle! Missed Asia a lot. Hope to pop up there soon.

    Have a nice evening.

  4. I always love BBQ!!! My good friend knows it so she always organizes BBQ party for me! :o)
    And I am salivating over those satay now!!

  5. Thanks folks for visiting and the nice comments. Glad to share some private life of mine with my fellow bloggers.

    Kitem, hahaha no veggies during the three BBQ but we had lots of fruits and there was buffet dinner on one of the night. Will post photos of the buffet in my food blog in the next few days, once I sorted those photos.


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