Friday, November 14, 2008

Safra Bungalow Resort (Part 4-Skywatch-Aeroplanes)

Our stay at the bungalow was fun and enjoyable. The only complaint was that the resort was so near to our busy changi airport that every now and then we could see aeroplanes about to land and depart. The noises from the planes could be irritating too but sometimes we were enjoying ourselves so much that we took no notice of the planes and the
The kids were so fascinated by the huge commercial planes that they started to identify the different airlines. It is not everyday that they get to see the planes so up close and so many of them too.

A very short video of a plane coming to land at the airport runway. The ships could be seen in the sea too. So a little island called Singapore is so busy with all these planes and ships to make it a wealthy island. So we shouldn't complain at all if we want good economy for our country. :)
For other sky watchers, you can go to Skywatch blog.


  1. wow! coinciidence. my post now also features a similar shot.

  2. this is a great Skywatch series, Alice! Happy Skywatching!

  3. Dong, yes, I noticed that too. :)

  4. Thanks folks for all the nice comments and dropping by my blog. Have more nice seaside photos next week, please come back again. :)

  5. I loved the shots as well as the short video. You are right about being happy for the rich economy.

  6. I think if I'm ever there for chalet, I'll be armed with a tripod stand and all getting ready for aircraft shoots :P
    Those people living around Changi/Loyang must be immune to the plane sounds I think.

  7. Mc, glad you like the video.

    Elaine, true about the tripod, I guess I had shaky Tune in next week for my video of a hermit crab, was very fun to see the little creatures hiding in the rocks by the beach.

  8. Hi Alice, you had a nice holiday at your Safra Bungalow Resort there at the Changi Coast.
    We live near Houston Intercontinetal Airport and our local Conroe Montgomery Regional Airport so a lot of planes and helicopters fly over us, some fairly low.
    Happy WW, thank you for your visit and for your nice comment.
    BTW, Jim let me post this one for him.

  9. Looks like they are landing right on the beach.

  10. you have no dearth of planes to photograph, changi being an international hub. love the pics.

  11. Thanks for the nice comments. Just read the papers about Changi Airport.
    Quote: More flights operating out of Changi Airport despite economic slowdown. (

  12. I love watching planes..thanks for sharing

  13. i need a ticket to this airplane. i have to go.
    very beautiful photography

  14. I love your photos they are amazing.
    Happy SWF!

  15. Great series of shots. I never think to snap planes and they are always overhead.

  16. Hi Alice! Sorry for the long delay in coming here, but the last two weeks were too hectic!
    Finally I managed to get to your blog, and see some wonderful pictures! Loved to see the planes' pictures (you know I love planes), and the resort looks quite nice. A bit hot and humid for the weather, no? ;))
    Meanwhile Blogtrotter is back to Greece in November 2007! Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!

  17. Alice: Very nice sky captures with the plnes in the sky.

  18. Wow so many planes! I guess the folks that live there get accustomed to the noise.

  19. I really don't know anyone that doesn't like to see a plane taking off, there is something so spectacular about that huge thing going in the sky, altho i don't like being in them LOL Great photos

  20. I love to watch airplanes. Very nice photos.

    Thanks for your kind comments at my blog!


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