Wednesday, October 1, 2008

SMU Challenge

This is another charity, organised by Singapore Management University Student Association Council (SMU-SAC).

The concept of the event is to have participants cycling on 120 spinner bikes simultaneously in an attempt to clock as much distance as possible for 30 hours consecutively because for every kilometer cycle, they would raise a dollar for charity. The amount will be pledged and donated by donors. (Source taken from here. )

A short video on the cyclethon.


  1. I like the happy cycling music go! happy! go!

    what are the things at top? massages for cyclist's?

  2. It was a promotion for the massage chairs but not sure if the cyclists get to use those chairs too.

  3. What a fun way to raise money - very creative!!!

  4. hey, i was there! (but not cycling)
    it was at plaza Sing right?


  5. Yes, it was at Plaza Singapura :)


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