Monday, October 13, 2008

Malaysia - Twin Tower

I am back from my Kuala Lumpur's trip. This is the twin tower in Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia, it used to be the highest building in the world.

Will blog more about my trip in my travel blog.


  1. Great picture, it looks like something from a sci-fi movie.

  2. Hahaha..the building is so tall, I had to squat in a very awkard position to snap this tall The building is very beautiful and at night the towers were lighted up beautifully.

  3. True, from this angle it looks like a building out of Stargate Atlantis. Nice shot.

  4. Great shot of the Petronas Towers :)
    I guess shopping there is pretty much like shopping in downtown SG.
    Still, it must have been fun and pretty rejuvenating to have spent some days there :)
    While there did you head up to Genting? Will be nice to go enjoy the weather :P

    Have a good week ahead Alice :)

  5. Yes, Elaine, shopping in KL is exactly like shopping in Singapore. But I did enjoy taking photos and the food there. No, I did not head up to Genting or Batu Caves (did not wish to climb the few hundred of steps in Batu, had to handle some personal matters in KL.

  6. im glad you're back! now we'll be waiting for those travel shots of malaysia.

  7. Wow - Alice love the angle and the B & W - so powerful.

    Yes I love KL- the contrast of buildings and of course THE SHOPPING!!!! I also fought off the monkeys and climbed all the Batu Cave stairs but that was a couple of years ago when I was young.

  8. great buildings and wonderful capture. well come back

  9. welcome back alice. and what a way to start the series with the ,ost photographed building in malaysia. hope to see that in person sometime. great job.

  10. You know what? it's almost the view my son has from his office window! well, one of the tower is partly hidden. I like KL very much,shopping or just sight seeing, true, the shops are the same in Singapore, we could say the athmosphere is different. I've never been to Genting to get some fresh air, I'd like to go there one day with my grand sons.
    Welcome back to your beautiful island.

  11. a great shot! glad you are back! looking forward for the other pictures!

  12. Dennis would like to go inside although it does look slightly scary.

  13. Thanks for the welcome back and nice comments.

    You can visit my for more photos of my trip. :)

  14. Hope you had a wonderful trip to Malaysia!

    Looking forward to see all the photos you take and the food you ate!

  15. I can hardly imagine how one must place himself to be able to take a photo of those huge towers.
    Great photo.


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