Sunday, September 14, 2008

Moon Cake Festival Decorations in Chinatown

These beautiful decorations were found around the beautiful temple in chinatown. You can see the photos of the temple in my earlier post.

I love these little chicks they can move.

Streets along chinatown were decorated with beautiful lights at night.


  1. Wow, what a festive celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival!!

  2. I didn't go to the one at Chinatown :(
    My BIL said he went and there was nothing!! So, I thought this year's display were all at Clark Quay :(

    Hope your 中秋节was a good one :)

  3. These are amazing, i would love to have some of these lanterns, When i was in Tawaiin i had bought a couple of lanterns but nothing this beautiful

  4. they look so much nicer in the night than the day ya... :-)

  5. Such beautiful decorations...what a beautiful country you have..


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