Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Moon Cake Fair at Takashimaya - Part 2

The moon cake fair will be ending this Sunday, 14th September being the 15th day of eight chinese lunar month.

Crowds were here to get the best of the moon cakes.

Traditionally, people buy gifts for their elderly parents or in laws. Some also bought for their friends and relatives. Even businessmen bought these as gifts for their clients.

Nowadays they come in many flavour such as durians, chocolates, ice cream, etc. But I still prefer the traditional ones that comes with lotus paste.

And looking at these crowds, I give up queuing to buy and to queue to pay for them too...lol. Anyway I already had few boxes of moon cakes that were given to us by friends. I do not want to eat so much. But I am yearning for the traditonal mooncakes in chinatown. I think I will get them this weekend provided the queue is short...lol.


  1. let's face it. everybody loves cake!

  2. edward is right. who doesn't love moon cake.

  3. I have to get some this week. Thanks for the reminder to get Moon cakes!!!

  4. the right place for diet

  5. ill definitely go for those durians!


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