Friday, September 12, 2008

Marriott Hotel

This is Marriott Hotel with a very beautiful chinese roof. Each time I walked along Orchard Road, it wont failed to catch my eyes. There is a shopping mall below the hotel known as CK Tang, they sell nice designer clothes and bags and shoes. Great place to shop.

Look out for their household items and the promoters in their basement. It is very interesting just to watch the promoters demonstrating their wares. Too bad, I cant take photos in there.

Thanks to Tom for hosting Sky Watch. For other sky watchers, you can go to Tom's skywatch blog.


  1. Funny looking build to me. Happy weekend!

  2. Interesting roof line against a blue sky. Great perspective & view of your part of the world!

  3. nice picture! looks like an asian version of mariott hotel...? i like the shape of it.

  4. I love the basement of Ck Tang too!! So many interesting kitchen gadgets that I will love to get. But.....often get dragged away by The Man zzzzz

    中秋节快了!!! :)

  5. an interesting architecture, adapting to the local view!

  6. I love this roof and you have captured it perfectly against that beautiful blue sky Alice.

  7. beautiful capture. very interesting and unique building

  8. I bet the view from there is amazing!

  9. The reason for the chinese roof of Marriott Hotel was the hotel was formerly known as Dynasty Hotel belonging to CK Tang. It was built on a land that formerly was a department store with a chinese roof built just like those imperial buildings in Beijing. The old department store was torn down and a new hotel and shopping mall was built in its place. But sadly, the hotel was sold to Marriott Hotel but the department store still belongs to CK Tang. For more information, you can view the source.

  10. Oh this is very pretty. it feels serene, like a place you'd check into... and find a bed!

  11. I'm glad the Mariott constructs buildings in sympathy wit their surroundings. This is a lovely structure. Happy Sky Watch!

  12. This is one building that is hard for one to miss when shopping at Orchard Road! Hee...hee...I like the juice bar counter on the entrance of the hotel. Not sure if it's still there.

    Happy Skywatch and a great weekend to you, Alice! And Happy Mid-Autumn Festival too!

  13. this looks better than the marriott hotel in cebu.

  14. Orchard road, more beautiful than Champs Elysées, I just love Orchard road, please, let us dream a bit more, post more photos and description of dear Orchard road.
    I haven't been there for quite sometimes.

  15. Thanks for all the nice comments.

    Kitem, I had a couple more photos of Orchard Road in future posts but am now still posting photos on I had a short video coming soon on the new entrance/exit of Orchard MRT Station. Meanwhile you could view old photos of Orchard Road in my earlier posts.


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