Friday, August 15, 2008

National Day - Fighter Planes

Hopefully this would be my last on fighter planes...hehehe...dont want to bore my fellow bloggers. :)

I took this on National Day (09.08.2008), now I know why the last plane is trying to catch up with the rest of the planes. The last plane had just finished performing an acrobatic show at Marina and now fly to join the rest in the final show at Marina.

Compared the two photos and see the difference. The last plane was coming in different directions on different days.

The below photo was taken on 02.08.2008 during the National Day preview.

You need to watch this exciting video especially the ending part taken on 09.08.2008. It looked scary when the plane just turned and dived to join them. It looked a bit different from the preview video that I took earlier.

Thanks to Tom for hosting Sky Watch. For other sky watchers, you can go to Tom's skywatch blog.


  1. Cool!! Your shots so much clearer than mine :)
    Was it due to the impressive Olympics opening ceremony? Watching the NDP parade the next day was like so-so @_@ *lol*

    Enjoy the weekend Alice

  2. thanks for the video. i also see this type of exhibition every february during the annual hot air balloon in clark.

  3. Great shots. It's good to look up, isn't it, haha.

    Alice at I Was Born2Cree8
    Or Sky Watch Friday

  4. It's good though, to post these, they're unusual and as i found out trying to get shots of planes and helicopters--it sure isn't easy. You make it look easy though.

  5. thanks also for posting the video.I haven't seen any sort of airshow since I was a kid.

  6. would like to have seen that--great pix.

  7. great pics!

    Do check out my Independence Day SkyWatch post here

  8. Phone lines have been terrible all week so can't download video but photos look exciting!!!

  9. Hi Alice,

    I forgot that last Sun was Sin's National Day. A Happy Belated National Day!

    And Happy Sky Watch!

  10. I love the formation. I am amazed that they can look so close together.

  11. i won't mind having another fighter plain post. i love it.

    have a nice weekend alice.

  12. I did wonder about that last plane.

  13. Thanks for all the nice comments and hope you all have a nice weekend.

  14. COol! This month my country will be celebrating out independence. Never thought I'll meet a Singaporean through another blog from the west. I'm from Malaysia =)

  15. Very nice. Nice skies too!
    Have a nice weekend.

    Alex's World! -

  16. Dennis wonders what are the typical meaty dishes of Singapore? Do you like to cook?

  17. Dennis would like to pay visit to my food blog it showed many local and overseas food. I cook but I am not a very good cook.


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