Thursday, August 21, 2008

Food Fair (Final)-Food Stalls

More yummy stalls. That day, I should have taken my lunch The food looked so delicious and price reasonable.

Stall selling local food, like fishball, fried meehoon, etc.
I spotted some noodles and curry chicken....yummy.
A stall selling biscuits and pastry.


  1. pardon me, hello... do you have any Curry Singapore Mai Fun?

  2. Food fair, is it like Mkate Pasar Malam? everything look so yummy in that market, I wonder how Singaporeans mangage to stay fit and slim with all the good food around.

  3. Ched, we have curry chicken and curry vegetables. The Mai Fun would be fried and can be eaten with curry. yummy....

    Kitem, it is a food fair held in the exhibition hall at Expo for only 3 days. It would be a yearly affair only. The pasar malam you mentioned would be held in and near heartlands from time to time. Our pasar malam is no longer at a fixed location.

    Zak, yes the food do really looked good.

  4. I am hungry here! everything looks so cool!

  5. wow. really yummy. i bet i will have my tummy aching with food if i am there.


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