Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Food Fair at Expo (Part 2)

More food stalls at the fair.

The sales man is trying to sell his honey. So he demonstrated how they extract the honey from it.
Another stall selling snacks.

Japanes dried abalone
Have you ever tried Putu Mayam?

It used to be one of my favourite snack during my childhood.

You can see another picture of it in my food blog. For more information you can see the source from here.


  1. Wow, thats ALOT of food. Hope that no bees came out of that box =)

    Btw, just wanna know. Isit hard to get into the good singapore Junior Colleges? I'm thinking of taking my A levels there next year.

  2. Hi Stanley, Thanks for dropping by. Yes, of course it is not easy to go into the good and well known junior colleges. But if you have good O level results, I dont think you will have any problems. A good CCA will help too. You can check the Ministry of Education Singapore website. Wish you luck.

  3. what a food extravaganza!! wish I was there, I'd love to try putu mayam...

  4. Another amazing set of pics. Is putu mayam a rice cake? There are lots of sweet ricecakes to in my country.

  5. Putu mayam is rice noodles pressed very flat. Eaten as breakfast or snack.

  6. THanks lots. If I get in, it'll be nice to meet you in Singapore!

  7. I love putu mayam. We have a seller near our house. Prefer mine with lotsa coconut and less brown sugar.


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