Sunday, August 10, 2008


Kitem of Garden in France passed out this Brilliant Weblog award, which I think I dont deserved it. I cant write very well nor take very good photos. But I am pleased she appreciated my blog and visit it often. Thank you Kitem.

Another award that kitem passed to me was a Must See Blog, this I agreed cause I love to share photos of my homeland with my fellow bloggers.

Here are the guidelines for the Must See Blog Award....
About the Must See Blog award: This award was created for blogs that cannot be missed.
Whether you secretly lurk, always comment, or frequently check in to see what’s new, these are blogs that must be tuned into regularly.

I now would like to pass these awards to:

Dongism of Philippines
Lawstude of Philippines
Terrell of Texas
JC of Malaysia
Jules of Rabaul
Lacenribbonroses of Texas


  1. thank you! thank you! wow! thanks for including my blog on this list. i really appreciate this.

  2. Dear Alice, thank you for rewarding me with the Must See Blog. Wow, what an honour! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you for your visits, comments and encouragement!

  3. You are welcome. I wish to give more and still thinking of who to

  4. Thank you very much alice. I really appreciate this. Have a nice day always.

  5. congratulations for the awards! your blog really deserves them!

  6. Thanks for the award. Work has been keeping me from traveling around lately.


Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I will try to return blog visiting whenever I could and will also try to reply your questions about my posts.