Saturday, July 5, 2008

Life is so fragile

Life is so fragile. Just when your close ones are here one minute and gone the next.

How to you cope with 2 deaths of close ones within a span of seven months? Just lost my dad in law last November and one week ago, lost my mother in law. Both died of heart attacks.

I was more or less prepared for my dad in law cause he had a heart bypass and aging, he was 82 but my mom in law who was 74, was very healthy and no symptoms of any illness. She just fainted in the toilet in the middle of the night and died before the ambulance came.

This music video really described the situation I am in right now. Sigh.

"If Life Is So Short"
Isn't it funny how time seems to slip away so fast
One minute you're happy, the other you're sad
But if you give me one more chance
To show my love for you is true I'll stand by your side your whole life through
If life is so short
Why don't you let me love you
Before we run out of time If love is so strong
Why won't you take the chance
Before our time has gone
If life is so short, if life is so short
Love is a word that explains how I feel for you
And when you're in my arms, all my dreams come true
And when you're not around
You can't hardly see
These tears that I'm crying now are for you to be with me


  1. i understand how you feel, as my father had a bypass surgery at the age 60 and since then, i am always concerned about him and think about what it's like to lose him or any of my family members one day. i'm terribly sorry to hear your story about your dad and mom in law. god bless!

  2. that's sad. sending my heartfelt condolences to your family.

  3. Thanks for all the condolences. I appreciated it very much.

  4. Alice, I'm really sorry to hear about your loss,
    My deepest condolences and please be strong.

  5. I am so very sorry for your loss and your feels...

  6. Thank you so much Quin and Tom. I will be ok. Just need some time before I am back to blogging.

  7. Oh I am so sorry for your loss, please take care and get some rest. xxxooo

  8. my heart goes to you alice. my deep condolences.

  9. Mlate condolences Alice, for your family loss, my heart is with you, and hubby.

  10. Thank you Law and Kitem for the condolences.


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