Friday, June 20, 2008

Sky watch-Cable Cars To Mount Faber

Yes, Yes, I am so much better now. Thanks to all my fellow bloggers for your concern and well wishes. So come with me today for a top of the world feeling at Mount Faber. :) Mount Faber is not a mountain despite the "mount". It is only a hill about 105 metres in high. Singapore is generally a very flat piece of land and no mountains except for some hills.

This is the cable car station at Harbour Front. You could take the cable car to Sentosa or to Mount Faber.

A closer look at the cable cars from where I was standing.

This is the Mount Faber station where the cable car is heading.

I am standing at the top of Mount Faber, which had a very good bird eye view of south of Singapore and Sentosa. I will post more photos of Mount Faber in later post.

Thanks to Tom for hosting Sky Watch. For other sky watchers, you can go to Tom's website.


  1. I love the cable car ride!! :) But it's too fast :( Wish the journey was slightly further :)
    Have a good weekend Alice!!

  2. Glad you are feeling better. Nice view from the Mount. I bet the cable car ride is nice.

  3. You know... not MUCH scares me. But cable cars DO! LOL! I would have such a hard time getting on that! I'd DO it... but I wouldn't LIKE it! I'd be way relieved when I got to the top!

  4. wonderful news

    about the shots, very beautiful captures. and very interesting i can say. this is a great idea for sw

  5. We got a taxi up to Mt Faber and took the cablecar to Sentosa. I found it perhaps the least friendly place in Singapore. There were steep stairs up to where the cars went from and no lift. My wife sat there while I explored a little and got dark looks for not buying a drink.
    That was seven years ago I understand the place has been renovated a bit since then.

  6. Yes, Hyde, Mount Faber had been renovated and it is still being renovated. Full of restaurants and pubs there. Many ways to go up Mount Faber. One way to drive up, walk up (new stairs-15 mins walk-Opposite the Vivo City), another one is taking the taxi up, a cheaper way is taking the bus (available only on weekends). You have to look out for my future posts to see the difference in Mount Faber. The latest trend was taking a bus up Mount Faber and walking down to Henderson Wave and then to Hort Park. Will explain more in later posts. :)

  7. Actually Hyde, you need not take a taxi up Mount Faber, You could purchase the cable car tickets at Harbour Front which could entitled you to ride the cable car to Mount Faber and also back to Sentosa and vice versa.

  8. these scare me a little bit because they wobble. I once talked my father into taking me--he was not fond of heights, but I was 6 years old and begged to be taken on this ride, so he did for me--I felt very bad afterwards, seeing how white his face got and how still he sat through the whole ride. and Clinging to someone during the ride just seems to scare you more!

  9. Hi Alice, I've been to Sentosa twice but never via cable car. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Definitely the first and probalby one and only cable car i will see today. Fabulous.

  11. Great and different Sky watch! :)
    I like it very much! :)

  12. That looks like a nice way to travel locally!

  13. Great photos but no way would i go in one of those. NO HEIGHTS FOR ME

  14. I like cable cars. Actually one of my favorite things to ride at the amusement parks. I like to look down on the people and make fun of them. I know that is bad of me but if people realized how silly they look and if the roles were reversed they would do the same to me. Nice photos.

  15. Thanks for all the nice comments.

    Alex, World Trade Centre in Singapore is now part Vivo City and the other part is renamed as Harbour Front Centre. Most trade exhibitions are now held at Singapore Expo at Changi. :)

  16. ha! Very nearly missed you out... Better late than never my friend... these are real good pictures.. I have been on a cable car... once.. I had to walk dow from the one I went on.. my fear of heights and flying got much worse after..ha!.. but I can still enjoy views such as these.


  17. Wow Tom, that must be very scary to climb out of one cable car. I would be scared too.

  18. Thanks! :P Looks like I am really out of date.

  19. beautiful photos!

  20. Interesting sky watch pictures. The view from a cable car is great.


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