Thursday, April 17, 2008


It was one of the early mornings that I was looking out of the window, as a worried mom, wondering why my son is still not back from his outings.

The streets were so quiet and then I saw this huge moon looking at me as if to tell me, dont worry your son is fine. :)

It really was huge so I grabbed my camera and zoomed on the moon and I swear I think I could see the surface of the moon...hahaha.

You can click the photo to enlarge and let me know if you think you could see the moon surface too or was it my imagination...hehehe


  1. I've been checking the moon this week, through our clear skies - and I thought exactly the same thing.

  2. I was just looking at the same moon not a half hour ago. Neat.

  3. wow, absolutely huge! a great photo!

  4. I missed it last night but must remember to look for it tonight.
    A beacon for our loved ones to follow.. :O) I like that thought.

  5. I feel weird. I think I just saw a face in the moon and its smiling.

  6. what a lovely post! i can sort of see the moon surface, but i may be imagining some cheese... did your son get home ok?

  7. Thanks for all the nice comments.

    Zak, yes son did get home fine. Thanks for asking. :)

  8. I can see the surface of the moon, Alice. I tried capturing moon a few times but it always turn out blur. Yours is great!

    J.C. of Subang Jaya Daily Photo


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