Monday, March 10, 2008

Taking A Long Rest From Blogging

Thanks to all who visited my blog and leaving so many nice comments. It is ok if you dont visit daily and I dont visit daily too. I guess most of us are too busy with careers, family, school, etc

I will be taking a long rest from blogging. Please visit again in April for more photos. See you all and wish everyone have a nice time blogging. :)


  1. Hi Alice
    I will miss my visits and reading your posts, but I fully understand your reasons...

    Keep well, Keep Safe and enjoy your life... let me know when you are back...

    Enjoy :O)

  2. Oh it's a real pity.
    I loved coming here and reading your nice and informative words and seeing great photos.
    But I'll come back in April.

  3. Hi Alice, I know what you feel! Take all the time you want.

    Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and for the birthday wishes. I am very touched by your thoughtfulness. Sorry for the late reply - as I spent my birthday and the day after painting our new home and didn't come home until past midnight.

    A Pinay In England
    Your Love Coach
    I, Woman

  4. Maintaining a daily blog is time consuming, so I understand. Let me know when you are back.

  5. Alice, I really enjoy your blog - I'll be back in April. Meantime have a good rest and take some more fascinating photos.

  6. See you in April, Alice.
    Have a nice break. We'll miss you.

  7. I will miss your post but do take your time and enjoy your rest/vacation. I will definitely wait for April for your post. Take Care!

  8. Hi Alice,
    loved to see the pictures of the Singapore River sculptures!
    We'll miss you a lot, but look forward to seeing you back in April! Anyhow, if you need a break, we may meet in Santorini... ;))
    Take your time!

  9. see you soon! have a great blogging holiday!

  10. Oh. We will miss your post. Hope April will be here soon! :)

    Sorry for not being able to visit your blog over the past few weeks. I was very busy with work. Anyhows. enjoy your long rest and hope to see you back in action soon! Take care and have a good weekend!

    Alex's World! -

  11. Going to miss you, Alice! I have been busy lately and didn't visit your blog. Sorry for that. Now when I return, I discovered that you are already on sabbatical leave. Take care and hope to hear from you soon in April!

  12. see you in April. remember to come back hor... ;-)

  13. oh what a cute picture! i have been too busy to find time for my blog as well so i definitely understand. rest well, and see you when you come back!

  14. enjoy your rest. i understand completely! rejunvenate!


Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I will try to return blog visiting whenever I could and will also try to reply your questions about my posts.