Saturday, March 8, 2008

The River Merchants

These sculptures are done by by Dr Aw Tee Hong.

The sitting sculpture is one of Singapore's earliest merchants, Mr Alexander Laurie Johnston, interacting with the local merchants.

The sculpture of these coolies(workers) loading goods onto a bullock cart, a common sight during the earlier days of Singapore.

Behind this sculpture is the Maybank which is sponsoring these sculptures. The Maybank Tower site is the original site of Mr Johnston's godown - Alexander Laurie Johnston & Co.

A common sight of teachers bringing students out on a live history lesson. A lesson out of the classroom. I think it is great.

Note: There are about 30 sculptures along the Singapore River, I hope to find them all but some are quite small and the river is quite long.


  1. Fantastic.. I think these are just stunning.

  2. More great sculptures. Thanks for finding these and photographing them.

  3. These are great; 'living' history'.
    30 sculptures! I only remember seeing the "First Generation" sculpture....


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