Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sri Marriamman temple in Chinatown

Sri Marriamman temple is Singapore's oldest Hindu temple dated back to 1827. The gopuram or the tower over the entrance of the temple is covered with figurative sculptures of gods and goddesses and mythological beasts, this tower is visible from afar so devotees can even say their prayers without stepping inside the temple. (Source: Uniquely Singapore).

These sculptures of gods are so lovely and well crafted.


  1. We have almost the same Sri Mariamman temple in Penang, I like going there and showing off to my visiting friends, it is situated in the center of old Georgetown very colorful and exotic, like yours in Singapore.

  2. Wow. Amazing details. It must have took 'em lots of years to finish it. I love it.

  3. Wow, amazing and creative. Interesting picture.

  4. I love the intricacy of the structure. I missed visiting this temple because it was pouring the last time I was there and it's no fun going around the city getting wet.

    A Pinay In England
    Your Love Coach
    The Goddess In You

  5. I could spend hours looking at this... the gate to China Town in Manchester had me stood there awhile but this would keep my interest a lot longer. Beautiful picture and thanks for sharing it.. I have really enjoyed my vist here and will be back for man, many more.

  6. Very clever idea and photo. I have tagged you :-). See my post for the third of February. Good luck.

  7. what an amazing picture! i love the details of the entrance. very beautiful!!

  8. Thanks for all the nice comments. I hope to post more interesting photos. I am learning more about my own country and things around me since I started blogging. :)


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