Thursday, February 21, 2008

Singapore wins bid to host 2010 YOG

Yayyyyy, Congratulations to Singapore for winning the bid to host the first Youth Olympics Games in 2010.

I was watching with joy with my family live on TV. The following photos are taken from television. For more information, click here .


  1. Congatulations indeed.
    Sorry I have not commented much but I've been busy.. I'm playing catch up today with all my missed blogs..

  2. Thank you for all the wishes. The place you see on the TV. is city hall the same venue where the chingay procession was. I hope to take a good photo of city hall when the place is cleared of all the barricades and tents.

  3. Congratulations to Singapore. I bet these youth will enjoy your place like I did when I went there some years ago.

  4. Well done Singapore - i know you will host a wonderful games!!!

  5. I read it this morning on the paper, congratulation Singapore and Singaporean people.

  6. Congratulations to Singapore. It is great any country when it wins the right to host a world event. I am sure Singapore will do a great job.

  7. Wow! I didn't know there was such a thing as YOG. It all sounds very exciting. Your country will be full of tourists and spectators by then!

    A Pinay In England
    Your Love Coach
    The Goddess In You
    Norwich Daily Photo

  8. Thanks for all the nice comments.

    Joy, I dont blame you cause many do not know too cause this is the first youth olympic games for athletes between the ages of 14 and 18.

  9. Congratulations to learn this!


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