Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Roads closed for Chingay Procession

If you find it strange for the empty streets and the barricade, it was because I took these photos on the eve of Chingay Procession. Sorry I wasn't at the chingay procession so there wont be any photos of the procession. You can see them in this link .

Empty streets, road closing soon.

On a normal day, the city hall will be empty of all these barricades, scaffoldings, tents, etc.


  1. Hi Alice - this looks like it was fun.

    Love all the animals in the Chinese new year floats - so vibrant!!!

    Sorry I don't get to visit more but i have trouble downloading your page - it is very long.

  2. Oh I am sorry Jules. I have adjusted it now, hope it is better now.

  3. excellent captures. well done

  4. Very beautiful nightshits especially the third pic. I love it.

    I am now in land of Sawadee!!! Will post lots of pics soon when I go back home.

  5. Nice pictures. Looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  6. beautiful decorations on the street. that looks like a really fun event.

  7. I wish to attend the Singapore Chingay procession one day, it must be beautiful. Just like that your photos of Singapore show a beautiful city.


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