Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wax Duck, Chinese Sausages, Wax Meat,

Wax Duck, Wax Meat, Chinese Sausages are a must during Chinese New Year. The prices are quite high at this moment and most Singaporeans will buy at the last few days of Chinese New Year as most prices will fall during that time and I am one of them And if you go during the eve of Chinese New Year, the prices of most Chinese New Year products will drop tremedously.

But homecooked cookies are best ordered earlier and collected by this weekend as they are in great demand during the festive period.

For more Chinese New Year Food and Cookies:click here


  1. Hey AliceG,
    Wonderfull, you won'tneven think of the "behind' storage of all food and everthing...

    Once I walked through the behind(back) door of a butcher, and quess whwt , they made a bath filled with soup!! So starnge to see, but needed to sell, for a large number of customers.. Imagine that?

    See on my blog, what I made (the first time) for ABC wednesday,I made music combined with photography

    Greetings from JoAnn Holland

  2. Alice - I really enjoyed looking over your blogs today. Sorry I didn't visit sooner. This opens up a whole new world for me. I particularly like hearing about the preparations for the New Year celebrations. Thank you!

  3. Oh yes. I remember this.
    Hmm... Where is this place?

    Alex's World! -

  4. Just to ley you know I was visiting friends today on a big housing estate in Hyde... 8 mile or so from Manchester. One of the homes there was all decorated for the coming New Year... I pointed out to Jane the decorations and was quite pleased by seeing them.. I thought of you and your blog then..

  5. Wish I would be there for the New Year. Happy Year of the Rat, Alice!

    I'll be absent till mid-February. Meanwhile, leave you with a somehow surprising post at Blogtrotter

  6. JoAnn, lol on the behind the scenes. Will drop by your wonderful blog.
    Alyssa, I enjoy visiting your blog too especially your nice family outing.
    Alex, that was in Chinatown, in front of CK Store.
    Tom, Thanks for remembering me...hahaha. Each time I saw mushrooms, I will think of Peter and you. I love your stories on the mushroom.
    GMG, thanks for the wishes and I will drop by your blog. I guess you are globe trotting again till mid feb. Enjoy yourself.

  7. Oh, this is something I didn't get the chance to enjoy. Since I don't eat pork, chicken, beef and any other four-legged creature, I doubt I'll ever.

    But I hope you enjoy all the lovely food on New Year's Day!

    Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and your kind comments. Drop by again!

    A Pinay In England
    Your Love Coach
    The Goddess In You


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