Saturday, January 12, 2008

Antiques at the lobby of Singapore Swissotel Merchant Court

When I went to the Ellenborough Market Café at Swissotel Merchant Court Singapore for buffet, something beautiful caught my eyes besides the gorgeous and yummy buffet.

These antiques displayed at the lobby of the hotel are so beautiful that I cant resist taking photos of them.

The below photo is an antique bowl on displayed. It is a very huge bowl and the designs on the bowl are very lovely.

The vases on displayed are very tall about 6 feet. I think they are lovely and must be very expensive.

You need to go to the hotel for their sumptous buffet and dont forget to admire those beautiful art pieces.


  1. We visited Singapore in June on the way back from France. I wish we had found that cafe. The food looks so scrumptious and the antiques on display are certainly beautiful.

    Thanks for visiting Adelaide in Photos.

  2. Very good blog, with beautiful comments and beautiful photographs.
    The vases that appear in post are copies of Chinese art, very beautiful, in my country are expensive.

  3. they know how to do the business! a little entertainment to compliment the buffet. they look lovely!

  4. Hello there Alicesg
    Thankyou for your vist to 'Wiggers World' and for taking the time to leave a comment.. I see you are very busy having 3 blogs.. well done.
    You have many nice pictures and postings on here... I will be back.. I will link back to here so I do not forget.

  5. better not touch them , break any of those and you can injure yourself and empty your account .

  6. Gorgeous, beautiful indeed, I can see that they are signed Aliceg, are they yours? just joking! you would be lucky to own them.

  7. Yup, I dare not go near the vases but I did tried to lift the big antique bowl but it is glued/cemented on the table....hahaha...I wished I own them all... :)

  8. I liked the bowl! It's very pretty.

    Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your footprints behind. Do visit again. How's your weekend so far?

    The Goddess In You
    Norwich Daily Photo
    Your Love Coach

  9. Yes, I really guess it's a good idea to keep some distances from all those marvellous antiques. Funny, I also liked the antique bowl...


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