Monday, December 10, 2007

Singapore River

What is happening at the river front? Lots of things happening. It is very interesting, we just sit and looked at the many things happening with lots of tourists hiding from the hot sun, wedding couples taking photo, etc. We just sat at the cosy couch at starbuck and sip nice drinks and watched the day go by. What a way to pass our time and destressing ourselves (yipeee).

Singapore River front with lots of building in the background in financial district.

This is the underneath of the bridge. It is so shady and make a good home for homeless (can shelter from the sun and rain). But not sure if it can protect the homeless from being caught by the police.

Bum boat ride to view Singapore River and its surroundings.

Tourists taking shelter underneath the bridge from the hot sun of Singapore (poor tourists). Well we are only 2 degree north of equator, what do you expect (hehehe).
Favourite place to take photo of wedding couple, of course the photographer is taking from another angle. But when the integrated resort is completed, I think it would be a very nice scenery.
Hey this is the venue for this year National Day Celebration. The red seats are where the VIP are sitting. The ferris wheel is still under construction. When completed, one can have a bird eye view of Singapore. I heard that it is fully booked for next year.


  1. Oh Singapore is following London to have the London Eye?

    Not again!!
    Nice photo anyway. I miss home.

    Alex's World!

  2. I think other countries are following too. One (60 m) that just open is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and China will have the largest Ferris wheel(208 m) in the world in 2008.

    Ty for the compliments.


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